Facing tons of information everyday, I prefer focusing on some of them. I use tool to bunch information and for me, there are 2 requirements for the tool:
Almost every RSS reader I tried can do the 1st thing but it surprised me that I found none of them could meet my 2nd requirement perfectly (to some extent). So I created satsie.
In simple, satsie would just do 1 thing once setup: compare a source between 2 timestamps, at the HTML level. And that’s why it can catch updates unless there’s a mask on the site.
On top of a simple installation, I set up a cronjob to get email notification once there’s an update. Here’s my OS and what I did:
My OS:
$ sw_vers
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.14.4
BuildVersion: 18E226
What I did:
satsie $ crontab -e
0 20 * * 6 . /Users/yuqing.ji/satsie/bin/weekly.sh
And the mail in the mailbox: