Yuqing Ji

Reap the Wire

(a crawler setup record)

thewiremagazine said they would open the Wire’s complete archive of back issues to everyone until 28 Mar 2020, for free. I saw this on the night of 27 Mar and as a music enthusiast, I was like, I should do something.


What am I going to do? A crawler? It could not be better than getting all the issues in my local.


Here’re several screenshots of the site, with API information:

issues issue-info

and what a specific issue looked like in HTML:


and a page:


Page urls followed a pattern. I realized it maybe possible for me to directly get to any page I want with the following keys provided in the API:

then based on these information, I could make the Wire saved in my local in this way:

$ tree
|---issue 0
|   |---page 0
|   |---page 1
|   |---...
|   |---page n
|---issue 1
|---issue n

What I did

wreaper.py details:

import json
import os

with open('theWire.json') as f:
    db = json.load(f)

policy = db['policy']
issues = db['issues']
wreaper_path = '/Users/yuqing.ji/wreaper'

for issue in issues: 
    issue_i = issue['i']
    issue_p = issue['p']
    os.mkdir(os.path.join(wreaper_path, '%s' % issue_i))
    os.chdir(os.path.join(wreaper_path, '%s' % issue_i))
    n = 1
    while n < 120:   # each issue with around 100 pages
        n_str = '%s'.rjust(7, '0') % n
        url = 'curl "https://d1zfca9r0ctlm4.cloudfront.net/435/493/%s/%s/images/3/page-%s.jpg%s" -o page-%s.jpg; sleep 5;' % (issue_i, issue_p, n_str, policy, n_str)
        n += 1


The end

Do not be fooled by my screenshot above ;)

Those are the only pages I got in the end - I started the script, saw ‘everything works well’, then went to sleep. When I checked it out the next day, I found e.g. issue id=87020 with the pages only for preview! The most likely problem I guess was the IP ban since I needed proxy to open any issue page in my web browser, which means I should make my script over the Wall. Will try if there’s a next time.

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