Yuqing Ji

220 and 284

An amicable pair

220 and 284 is called amicable because the sum of the proper divisors of one is equal to the other.

1 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 10 + 11 + 20 + 22 + 44 + 55 + 110 = 284

1 + 2 + 4 + 71 + 142 = 220

Why not include the negative number

For fun and there’s no reason we can’t do this. if including the negative number, will find:

The sum of the divisors of each negative number is its opposite

1 + (-1) + 2 + (-2) + 4 + (-4) + 71 + (-71) + 142 + (-142) + 284 = 284

Isn’t it perfect?

More positive numbers could get their amicable friends

Some numbers can be with 2 friends

…a new world to explore

A method for factorization

#!/usr/bin/env python

import pandas as pd
import itertools

class Factorization:

    def __init__(self, input, plist):
        self.input = input
        self.input_cp = input
        self.plist = plist

    def prime_facterise(self):
        pflist = []
        used_plist = []
        dupli_plist = []

        if self.input <= self.plist[-1]:
            for p in self.plist:
                while self.input % p == 0:
                    if p not in used_plist:
                    self.input = self.input / p
            for i in used_plist:
                if i not in pflist:
            allpf = pflist + dupli_plist

        if self.input_cp < 0:
            allpf += [(-1) * i for i in allpf]
            pflist += [(-1) * i for i in pflist]


        return allpf, pflist, dupli_plist

    def facterise(self):
        allpf = self.prime_facterise()[0]
        allf = []
        uflist = []

        for i in range(1, len(allpf) + 1):
            iter = itertools.combinations(allpf, i)

        f = 1
        flist = []
        if allf != []:
            for l in allf:
                for t in l:
                    for i in t:
                        f *= i
                    f = 1

        for f in flist:
            if self.input_cp % f == 0:

        uflist = list(set(uflist))

        return uflist

df = pd.read_csv('./prime1000.csv')
plist = df['prime'].tolist()

# example
f = Factorization(220, plist)
factors = f.factorize()
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